Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Extended Stay


It is hard to believe things are about to wrap up here in Japan. I am back in Fukuoka for one last night. Then, I fly to Tokyo for 1 last camp. I am so happy that I stayed of this extended stay! I have gotten to go on a fishing boat in the bay, make homemade somen noodles, go to peace park, explore Nagasaki and stay with 3 wonderful new host families. However, that only scratches the surface of all the adventures I have had in the past few weeks. 

I just returned from spending 4 days at Huis Ten Bosh theme park were we met some Japanese college students and made a bunch of new friends. Plus, we got to eat and gang out at Guys new restaurant, Rock and Rool Brats. The highlight of our stay there was the night that Jiro took us all out to dinner. We all walked  30 min in the pouring rain to get there, but it was more than worth it. The food was delicious and we were all in a fantastic mood. Jiro was so kind and absolutely hilarious. We all shared a large variety of appetizers including fried shrimp, octopus tempura, French fries, sashimi, Japanese fried chicken, and salad. Then we all ordered our own main dish and a delicious ice cream dessert. YUMMMMMMM! We were a very full and happy group by the time we headed home. 

Oh! One more thing! I camera crew came to film us working with the students. So… We were all in a Japanese newspaper and on the news!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

See you Later Team 1

Team 1 I miss you!

Thank You
3 days ago, most team 1 (my team of counselors) headed back to America. It was so sad to see so many of my good new friends leave. We went out with a bang though. Our last camp rocked! I was so lucky to work with such a wonderful group of counselors.  Whenever there was any rough moments we helped each other through it. Each person brough something different to the group and we worked great together as a team.

 I also had to say goodbye to the Japanese Counselors, I saw several of them for the last time today. When I heard about this program, I heard that the JC's would become great freinds. I could never have guessed though, how truely amazing they are. They worked so hard for us and they became some of my closest friends.

At the end of every camp we have a graduation cerimony for the campers. So, at the end of our last camp we had a graduation of our own. It began with the presentaiton of the Erik Spindler Award. One counselor "who best exemplifies a caring spirit and genuine camaraderie to their campers" is chosen by the team to recieve the award. I recieved it!!!!! I felt so surprised and happy! I do love camp so much, especially singing songs, playing games and talking with the campers. Thank you so much team 1 for chosing me for this award.

Then, we recieved Japanese graduation certificates and cards from the J staff. And had a special thank you for the J staff. It was so sad to know that things were coming to a close.

It is strange to be here without them, but I have my 3 extended stay buddies and my friends on team 2 to share my future adventures with. Heres to more fun days in Nagasaki, Oita and Tokyo!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Beaches, Sushi and a Yukata

Long time no see! Sorry it's been a while. Things have been pretty busy around here!

Since my last post I have done 4 camps and had my first host family stay! Wow. My favorite part of it all was the host family. I LOVED them. They were so kind and really fun to be with! The parents and I would stay up in the evenings talking. A beautiful modern young family. Getting to know the kids was so fun. Even though the kids knew only a tiny amount of English, we still had a blast playing "got your nose!" Things like that don't know language barriers.


My host family and I did so many fun things! I want to fill you in on a few of the highlights! My host mom did my nails, taught me origami and calligraphy. She took me to the Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine where I learned a lot about Japanese religion and history. Then, we met my host dad at his Beauty salon and went to the beach in Fukuoka together as a family! It was a perfect day!

I got taste and make so many new Japanese foods with my host family too! We had soumen (the famous Japanese summer noodles) kakigori (flavored shaved ice), yakitory (grilled chicken on a stick). All of which I liked.
She also taught me how to make one of my favorite Japanese foods, curry and rice! It was delicious! The best I have had throughout my whole time here. Then, we went out for sushi, and much to my surprise, I loved it. The whole sushi restaurant was a new experience for me. You order what you want from a screen at your table and then it comes to you on a little train. So cool!

While I was with my family it was their town's summer festival. So, my mom dressed me and my little host sister up in the beautiful Japanese summer dress called Yukata. She did my hair and made sure I looked just right! At the festival I tried many great foods and got to see some traditional Japanese dances. So many of the young girls were wearing yukata that I fit right in. Well, almost :) My host sister and I fished for a Japanese yo-yo and my host dad brother and sister and I participated in tug of war! Then, to top it all of I got to see a Wadaiko performance (the giant Japanese drum). It was stunning, so powerful. I wish I could learn to do that.
Speaking of learning instruments, my host dad taught me a few chords on the guitar. He was so cool. We spent most of one morning playing the guitar together. I hope I can continue learning when I get back home!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Humba! Humba!
A ricky ticky tumba!
A moosa moosa moosa!
A alla way alla way alla way!

A fun, energetic little song that I learned from all my years as a 4-Her in Washington County Arts-In and State Arts-In. ...A shout out to all you Artsies!... Boy, has it been a wonderful song to know here at camp. The campers and the other counselors love it! I really get into it when I sing it (ask any of the other counselors) and with all the actions and jumping around, it gets even more fun.

We taught it to the last two camps. At the end of the junior high school camp the kids would come up to me and call me MOOSA MOOSA! It was hillarious. Then, at the next camp, the little 8 year olds were so into that song that they would burst out with Humba Humba randomly throughout the day! 

Well....we can add Humba Humba, to their list of English phrases!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

 Me and one of my wonderful JC's, Anna. She took us shopping on our day off!
The main lobby at Global Arena. Our home away from home!
Lea and I at Global Arena
Our rooms at our first camp in Saga. Sleeping on tatami mats!
A typical meal

Sunday, July 10, 2011

And..... We're OFF!

Hi all!

We are just packing up to head to Oita for our very first traditional camp! Yay! I hear that the location is very beautiful and that there is a planetarium! Mainly, I am just really excited to get to know the campers and do camp songs, skits and activities. Team 2a arrived yesterday and will be joining with us for this camp. They all are very nice and it will be great to have the extra help. They are great sports because they have really been thrown right into things. I am quickly becoming friends with the other ACs and we have already had many adventures. It's only been 1 week!

Yesterday we got to have American Festa, a little teaser camp for a group of Elementary schoolers. Some were as young as 3 and 4 and their parents came. That camp was a lot of fun and the kid's English was SPECTACULAR. We had lots of little conversations with them. We did a carnival, bbq and even had a water balloon toss!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Off to a Good Start

 Finished my first camp today!

To get you up to speed.... After arriving in Japan we had a couple of days of orientation and getting to know the other American and Japanese counselors (AC and JCs). Then we took a buss ride out to a new facility in Saga where we would begin our first camp. The camp  was located right up in the mountains and had a beautiful view! The elementary school campers arrived the next morning and we were outside to greet them holding our team banner high, waving and yelling! It was so exciting. I was the proud leader of group F, 5 fantastic young Japanese students. Together we did a scavenger hunt, had an indoor "campfire," played  games and, of course, sang camp songs!

Then, today  we made curry and rice, one of my new favorite Japanese foods! It was quite an adventure to carry everything down to the campsite and cook it outside on fires. It was a great time for bonding. The whole process took over 3 hours, but was well worth the wait. Even if our rice did turn out too soft.... :) Afterward we had only one more activity until it was time for goodbyes. Even after spending only a couple of days with the kids it was very sad to leave them. I was so surprised when they gave us little gifts that they had made themselves!

Now I am back at the Global Arena and am looking forward to an off day tomorrow. One of our amazing JC's is going to take us around town shopping and to the beach!


Sunday, July 3, 2011


I am here in fukuoka safe and sound in the hotel. Im pretty tired but happy to be here!  I have my luggage and everything on the plane went well! That was a lot of flying! Tomorrow morning our Japanese counselors and director will take us to THE Global arena camp area in fukuoka where we will begin orentation!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Less than 24 hours!

My bags are packed and I believe I have succeeded in packing lightly for a 2 month stay in Japan! In less than 24 hours I will be departing for the first of several flights. Final destination: Fukuoka Japan!

Though I will not have a personal computer with me, I hope to update this as much as possible so you can hear a little about my trip!