Thursday, July 7, 2011

Off to a Good Start

 Finished my first camp today!

To get you up to speed.... After arriving in Japan we had a couple of days of orientation and getting to know the other American and Japanese counselors (AC and JCs). Then we took a buss ride out to a new facility in Saga where we would begin our first camp. The camp  was located right up in the mountains and had a beautiful view! The elementary school campers arrived the next morning and we were outside to greet them holding our team banner high, waving and yelling! It was so exciting. I was the proud leader of group F, 5 fantastic young Japanese students. Together we did a scavenger hunt, had an indoor "campfire," played  games and, of course, sang camp songs!

Then, today  we made curry and rice, one of my new favorite Japanese foods! It was quite an adventure to carry everything down to the campsite and cook it outside on fires. It was a great time for bonding. The whole process took over 3 hours, but was well worth the wait. Even if our rice did turn out too soft.... :) Afterward we had only one more activity until it was time for goodbyes. Even after spending only a couple of days with the kids it was very sad to leave them. I was so surprised when they gave us little gifts that they had made themselves!

Now I am back at the Global Arena and am looking forward to an off day tomorrow. One of our amazing JC's is going to take us around town shopping and to the beach!


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