Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Humba! Humba!
A ricky ticky tumba!
A moosa moosa moosa!
A alla way alla way alla way!

A fun, energetic little song that I learned from all my years as a 4-Her in Washington County Arts-In and State Arts-In. ...A shout out to all you Artsies!... Boy, has it been a wonderful song to know here at camp. The campers and the other counselors love it! I really get into it when I sing it (ask any of the other counselors) and with all the actions and jumping around, it gets even more fun.

We taught it to the last two camps. At the end of the junior high school camp the kids would come up to me and call me MOOSA MOOSA! It was hillarious. Then, at the next camp, the little 8 year olds were so into that song that they would burst out with Humba Humba randomly throughout the day! 

Well....we can add Humba Humba, to their list of English phrases!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

 Me and one of my wonderful JC's, Anna. She took us shopping on our day off!
The main lobby at Global Arena. Our home away from home!
Lea and I at Global Arena
Our rooms at our first camp in Saga. Sleeping on tatami mats!
A typical meal

Sunday, July 10, 2011

And..... We're OFF!

Hi all!

We are just packing up to head to Oita for our very first traditional camp! Yay! I hear that the location is very beautiful and that there is a planetarium! Mainly, I am just really excited to get to know the campers and do camp songs, skits and activities. Team 2a arrived yesterday and will be joining with us for this camp. They all are very nice and it will be great to have the extra help. They are great sports because they have really been thrown right into things. I am quickly becoming friends with the other ACs and we have already had many adventures. It's only been 1 week!

Yesterday we got to have American Festa, a little teaser camp for a group of Elementary schoolers. Some were as young as 3 and 4 and their parents came. That camp was a lot of fun and the kid's English was SPECTACULAR. We had lots of little conversations with them. We did a carnival, bbq and even had a water balloon toss!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Off to a Good Start

 Finished my first camp today!

To get you up to speed.... After arriving in Japan we had a couple of days of orientation and getting to know the other American and Japanese counselors (AC and JCs). Then we took a buss ride out to a new facility in Saga where we would begin our first camp. The camp  was located right up in the mountains and had a beautiful view! The elementary school campers arrived the next morning and we were outside to greet them holding our team banner high, waving and yelling! It was so exciting. I was the proud leader of group F, 5 fantastic young Japanese students. Together we did a scavenger hunt, had an indoor "campfire," played  games and, of course, sang camp songs!

Then, today  we made curry and rice, one of my new favorite Japanese foods! It was quite an adventure to carry everything down to the campsite and cook it outside on fires. It was a great time for bonding. The whole process took over 3 hours, but was well worth the wait. Even if our rice did turn out too soft.... :) Afterward we had only one more activity until it was time for goodbyes. Even after spending only a couple of days with the kids it was very sad to leave them. I was so surprised when they gave us little gifts that they had made themselves!

Now I am back at the Global Arena and am looking forward to an off day tomorrow. One of our amazing JC's is going to take us around town shopping and to the beach!


Sunday, July 3, 2011


I am here in fukuoka safe and sound in the hotel. Im pretty tired but happy to be here!  I have my luggage and everything on the plane went well! That was a lot of flying! Tomorrow morning our Japanese counselors and director will take us to THE Global arena camp area in fukuoka where we will begin orentation!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Less than 24 hours!

My bags are packed and I believe I have succeeded in packing lightly for a 2 month stay in Japan! In less than 24 hours I will be departing for the first of several flights. Final destination: Fukuoka Japan!

Though I will not have a personal computer with me, I hope to update this as much as possible so you can hear a little about my trip!